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The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.

scalar String

Returned by

_empty query

Member of

Address object ● AddressInput input ● createCsvImport mutation ● deprecated directive ● events query ● ExportInput input ● exports query ● ExportSupplierProductsParametersInput input ● importData query ● imports query ● PageInfo object ● ParsedTag object ● PublicApp object ● PublicDemandHq object ● PublicIdentity object ● PublicSupplier object ● publicSuppliers query ● PurchaseOrderItem object ● PurchaseOrderItemCreateInput input ● PurchaseOrderItemFulfillment object ● PurchaseOrderItemFulfillmentInput input ● SingleDirectionPageInfo object ● specifiedBy directive ● startImport mutation ● StringFilterInput input ● Supplier object ● SupplierCreateInput input ● supplierIdentities query ● SupplierIdentity object ● SupplierIdentityPermissions object ● SupplierIdentityPermissionsInput input ● SupplierNotificationUserNames object ● SupplierNotificationUserNamesInput input ● SupplierProduct object ● SupplierProductContentItem object ● SupplierProductContentItemAssociationCreateInput input ● SupplierProductContentItemAssociationInCompositeCreateInput input ● SupplierProductContentItemUpdateInput input ● SupplierProductCreateInput input ● SupplierProductImageFromFileInput input ● SupplierProductImageFromFileInputResponse object ● SupplierProductImageFromFileResponse object ● SupplierProductImageFromUrlInCompositeCreateInput input ● SupplierProductImageFromUrlInput input ● SupplierProductImagesFromFilesError object ● SupplierProductLocale object ● SupplierProductLocaleCreateInput input ● SupplierProductLocaleInCompositeCreateInput input ● SupplierProductLocaleUpdateInput input ● SupplierProductTags object ● SupplierProductUpdateInput input ● SupplierQuickLink object ● SupplierQuickLinkCreateInput input ● supplierQuickLinks query ● SupplierQuickLinkUpdateInput input ● SupplierUpdateInput input ● SupplierVariant object ● SupplierVariantCreateInput input ● SupplierVariantExternalUpdateInput input ● SupplierVariantInCompositeCreateInput input ● supplierVariants query ● SupplierVariantSupplement object ● SupplierVariantSupplementCreateInput input ● SupplierVariantSupplementInCompositeCreateInput input ● SupplierVariantSupplementUpdateInput input ● SupplierVariantUpdateInput input ● SupplyEvent object ● SupplyEventMetadata object ● SupplyEventSubscription object ● SupplyEventSubscriptionCreateInput input ● supplyEventSubscriptions query ● SupplyExport object ● SupplyExportMetadata object ● SupplyImport object ● SupplyImportDataActionAction object ● SupplyImportDataActionActionRequest object ● SupplyImportDataResponse object ● SupplyImportMetadata object ● TermAggregation object