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List supplyEventSubscriptions by filtering. Requires you to own the subscriptions.

after: String
before: String
eventSubscriptionIds: [ID!]
first: Int
itemType: String
last: Int
mutationType: SupplyEventMutationType
subscriptionEntityId: ID
subscriptionOwnerId: ID
): SupplyEventSubscriptionConnection!


supplyEventSubscriptions.after ● String scalar

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

supplyEventSubscriptions.before ● String scalar

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

supplyEventSubscriptions.eventSubscriptionIds ● [ID!] list scalar

This filter should be used alone, including without any relay parameters. It will supercede all other parameters.

supplyEventSubscriptions.first ● Int scalar

Returns the first n elements from the list.

supplyEventSubscriptions.itemType ● String scalar

In order to use this filter, you must also provide subscriptionEntityId

supplyEventSubscriptions.last ● Int scalar

Returns the last n elements from the list.

supplyEventSubscriptions.mutationType ● SupplyEventMutationType enum

In order to use this filter, you must also include itemType and subscriptionEntityId

supplyEventSubscriptions.subscriptionEntityId ● ID scalar

This filter can be used with or without subscriptionOwnerId

supplyEventSubscriptions.subscriptionOwnerId ● ID scalar

If you are not using eventSubscriptionIds, and are not querying for an identityId event subscription, this filter is highly recommended to use to ensure you have permissions on the returned eventSubscriptions. Otherwise, you may not have permissions on the returned eventSubscriptions, and see blank results.


SupplyEventSubscriptionConnection object

Paginate through SupplyEventSubscriptions