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The ID scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4") or integer (such as 4) input value will be accepted as an ID.

scalar ID

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createCsvImport mutation ● deleteSupplierIdentity mutation ● deleteSupplierProduct mutation ● deleteSupplierProducts mutation ● deleteSupplierQuickLink mutation ● deleteSupplierVariant mutation ● deleteSupplyEventSubscription mutation ● events query ● ExportInput input ● exports query ● imports query ● installApp mutation ● PublicApp object ● PublicDemandHq object ● PublicIdentity object ● PublicSupplier object ● publicSuppliers query ● PurchaseOrderItem object ● purchaseOrderItem query ● PurchaseOrderItemCreateInput input ● purchaseOrderItems query ● PurchaseOrderItemUpdateInput input ● Supplier object ● supplier query ● SupplierDemandHq object ● supplierDemandHq query ● SupplierDemandHqCreateInput input ● SupplierDemandHqUpdateInput input ● supplierIdentities query ● SupplierIdentity object ● supplierIdentity query ● SupplierIdentityCreateInput input ● SupplierIdentityDeletedId object ● SupplierIdentityUpdateInput input ● SupplierProduct object ● supplierProduct query ● SupplierProductContentItem object ● SupplierProductContentItemAssociationCreateInput input ● SupplierProductContentItemAssociationInCompositeCreateInput input ● SupplierProductContentItemUpdateInput input ● SupplierProductCreateInput input ● SupplierProductDeleteResponse object ● SupplierProductImageFromFileInput input ● SupplierProductImageFromFileInputResponse object ● SupplierProductImageFromUrlInput input ● SupplierProductLocale object ● SupplierProductLocaleCreateInput input ● SupplierProductLocaleRelationshipFieldsInput input ● SupplierProductLocaleUpdateInput input ● SupplierProductsDeleteResponse object ● SupplierProductTags object ● SupplierProductUpdateInput input ● SupplierQuickLink object ● SupplierQuickLinkCreateInput input ● SupplierQuickLinkDeletedId object ● supplierQuickLinks query ● SupplierQuickLinkUpdateInput input ● SupplierUpdateInput input ● SupplierVariant object ● supplierVariant query ● SupplierVariantCreateInput input ● SupplierVariantDeleteResponse object ● SupplierVariantExternalUpdateInput input ● supplierVariants query ● SupplierVariantSupplement object ● SupplierVariantSupplementCreateInput input ● SupplierVariantSupplementUpdateInput input ● SupplierVariantUpdateInput input ● SupplyEventMetadata object ● SupplyEventSubscription object ● supplyEventSubscription query ● SupplyEventSubscriptionCreateInput input ● SupplyEventSubscriptionDeleteResponse object ● supplyEventSubscriptions query ● SupplyExportMetadata object ● SupplyImportMetadata object ● updateAppPermissions mutation