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The required input fields to create a new SupplierQuickLink

You must be calling from the pertaining app's AppClient

input SupplierQuickLinkCreateInput {
appId: ID!
dynamicUrl: String!
label: String!
quickLinkType: SupplierQuickLinkType!
supplierId: ID!


SupplierQuickLinkCreateInput.appId ● ID! non-null scalar

The Id of the App this quicklink pertains to.

SupplierQuickLinkCreateInput.dynamicUrl ● String! non-null scalar

This can have dynamic parts, using [supplierProductId] format. It represents where the link goes.

SupplierQuickLinkCreateInput.label ● String! non-null scalar

What the text for the link should be to the user.

SupplierQuickLinkCreateInput.quickLinkType ● SupplierQuickLinkType! non-null enum

Indicates which page the SupplierQuickLink would live on

SupplierQuickLinkCreateInput.supplierId ● ID! non-null scalar

The Id of the Supplier this quicklink pertains to (the one that has installed your app).

Member of

createSupplierQuickLink mutation