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The necessary fields in order to create a new supplierVariant inside a SupplierProductCompositeCreateInput

input SupplierVariantInCompositeCreateInput {
contentItemInputIds: [String!]
externalVariantId: String!
inventoryPolicy: SupplierVariantInventoryPolicy!
inventoryQuantity: Int!
optionValues: [String!]!


SupplierVariantInCompositeCreateInput.contentItemInputIds ● [String!] list scalar

For contentItems where you are associating an existing contentItem, input the actual contentItemId. For other contentItem Inputs, match this to the contentItemInputId you have assigned.

SupplierVariantInCompositeCreateInput.externalVariantId ● String! non-null scalar

SupplierVariantInCompositeCreateInput.inventoryPolicy ● SupplierVariantInventoryPolicy! non-null enum

SupplierVariantInCompositeCreateInput.inventoryQuantity ● Int! non-null scalar

SupplierVariantInCompositeCreateInput.optionValues ● [String!]! non-null scalar

An array of the option values that make up this variant. For example, a product with a color and size option would have two option values, one for each of the color and size options, i.e. ["Red", "Small"] Must have 1-3, and it should match the number of options in the product, but there is no validation to do so. Set this to "No Option" if you don't want to use options for this product and this is the only variant. See for more info.

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SupplierVariantCompositeInCompositeCreateInput input