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Input object for creating an Image SupplierProductContentItem from a File on a device

input SupplierProductImageFromFileInput {
alt: String!
category: String
fileExtension: String!
fileName: String!
position: Int
supplierId: ID!
supplierProductId: ID!


SupplierProductImageFromFileInput.alt ● String! non-null scalar

SupplierProductImageFromFileInput.category ● String scalar

SupplierProductImageFromFileInput.fileExtension ● String! non-null scalar

SupplierProductImageFromFileInput.fileName ● String! non-null scalar

SupplierProductImageFromFileInput.position ● Int scalar

Used to determine what order the content comes out in. Positive Integers are allowed, up to 9,999,999,999, and it does not have to be unique or sequential.

SupplierProductImageFromFileInput.supplierId ● ID! non-null scalar

SupplierProductImageFromFileInput.supplierProductId ● ID! non-null scalar

Member of

createSupplierProductImageFromFile mutation ● createSupplierProductImagesFromFiles mutation