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The fields required to create an event subscription.

input SupplyEventSubscriptionCreateInput {
endpoint: String!
itemType: String!
mutationType: SupplyEventMutationType!
protocol: SupplyEventProtocol!
subscriptionEntityId: ID!
subscriptionEntityType: SupplyEventSubscriptionEntityType!
subscriptionOwnerId: ID!


SupplyEventSubscriptionCreateInput.endpoint ● String! non-null scalar

Changes based on protocol, but indicates the exact target.

SupplyEventSubscriptionCreateInput.itemType ● String! non-null scalar

The SupplyEntity to subscribe to, all lowercase.

SupplyEventSubscriptionCreateInput.mutationType ● SupplyEventMutationType! non-null enum

What type of event to listen for.

SupplyEventSubscriptionCreateInput.protocol ● SupplyEventProtocol! non-null enum

The protocol to use to supply the event.

SupplyEventSubscriptionCreateInput.subscriptionEntityId ● ID! non-null scalar

This is the "main" entity that is being subscribed to. This can either be a ResonanceDomainEntityId (SupplierId, DemandHqId) to subscribe to an entity to which they have access. This is useful to monitor things like changes to Products and such. Or an Identity (AppClientId, UserName) to subscribe to THEMSELF. This is useful to monitor things like app installations, uninstallations, and such. subscriptionEntityType indicates what type of entity this is.

SupplyEventSubscriptionCreateInput.subscriptionEntityType ● SupplyEventSubscriptionEntityType! non-null enum

This distinguishes between the types of subscriptions.

SupplyEventSubscriptionCreateInput.subscriptionOwnerId ● ID! non-null scalar

The app (not appClient) or user that owns the subscription.

Member of

createSupplyEventSubscription mutation