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The parent-most entity of the Supplier Domain

type Supplier {
category: SupplierCategory
createdAt: String!
defaultCurrency: ResonanceCurrency!
defaultLocaleType: ResonanceLocaleType!
description: String
inStockProducts: Int
after: String
before: String
first: Int
itemType: String
last: Int
mutationType: SupplyEventMutationType
): SupplyEventSubscriptionConnection!
name: String!
notificationUserNames: SupplierNotificationUserNames
ownerUser: PublicIdentity
ownerUserName: String!
after: String
before: String
first: Int
last: Int
purchaseOrderItemIds: [ID!]
status: PurchaseOrderItemStatus
): PurchaseOrderItemConnection!
appId: ID!
quickLinkType: SupplierQuickLinkType!
): SupplierQuickLink
after: String
before: String
first: Int
last: Int
quickLinkType: SupplierQuickLinkType!
): SupplierQuickLinkConnection!
shipFromAddress: Address
status: SupplierStatus!
demandHqId: ID!
): SupplierDemandHq
after: String
before: String
first: Int
last: Int
status: SupplierDemandHqStatus
): SupplierDemandHqConnection!
supplierId: ID!
after: String
before: String
first: Int
identityParentEntityId: ID
identityType: SupplierIdentityType
last: Int
): SupplierIdentityConnection!
identityId: ID!
): SupplierIdentity
supplierProductId: ID!
): SupplierProduct
after: String
before: String
cost: [FloatRangeFilterInput]
externalProductIds: [String!]
first: Int
inventoryPolicy: [SupplierProductInventoryPolicyFilterInput]
inventoryStatus: VariantInventoryStatus
last: Int
manufacturer: [StringFilterInput]
msrp: [FloatRangeFilterInput]
numberOfTermAggregations: SupplierProductNumberOfTermAggregationsInput
query: String
recommendedPrice: [FloatRangeFilterInput]
sortOrder: [SupplierProductSortInput]
standardizedColor: [SupplierProductStandardizedColorFilterInput]
status: SupplyEntityStatusFilterInput
supplierProductIds: [ID!]
tags: [StringFilterInput]
vendor: StringFilterInput
): SupplierProductConnectionWithSearch!
topVendors: [String!]
updatedAt: String!
updatedBy: ID!


Supplier.category ● SupplierCategory enum

Indicates the vertical the majority of a Supplier's goods are in.

Supplier.createdAt ● String! non-null scalar

Supplier.defaultCurrency ● ResonanceCurrency! non-null enum

Supplier.defaultLocaleType ● ResonanceLocaleType! non-null enum

Supplier.description ● String scalar

Supplier.inStockProducts ● Int scalar

The approximate number of in stock products this Supplier has on a typical basis.

Supplier.mySupplyEventSubscriptions ● SupplyEventSubscriptionConnection! non-null object

List supplyEventSubscriptions by filtering for your identity for this supplier.

Supplier.mySupplyEventSubscriptions.after ● String scalar

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

Supplier.mySupplyEventSubscriptions.before ● String scalar

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

Supplier.mySupplyEventSubscriptions.first ● Int scalar

Returns the first n elements from the list.

Supplier.mySupplyEventSubscriptions.itemType ● String scalar

In order to use this filter, you must also provide subscriptionEntityId

Supplier.mySupplyEventSubscriptions.last ● Int scalar

Returns the last n elements from the list.

Supplier.mySupplyEventSubscriptions.mutationType ● SupplyEventMutationType enum

In order to use this filter, you must also include itemType and subscriptionEntityId ● String! non-null scalar

Supplier.notificationUserNames ● SupplierNotificationUserNames object

These users will get notified if something requires attention for this Supplier. If none are provided, ownerUserName will be notified.

Supplier.ownerUser ● PublicIdentity object

Get the owner for a given Supplier

Supplier.ownerUserName ● String! non-null scalar

Supplier.purchaseOrderItems ● PurchaseOrderItemConnection! non-null object

Get a list of PurchaseOrderItems for a Supplier. If PurchaseOrderItem IDs are provided, all other args are ignored and the requested PurchaseOrderItems are returned.

Requires purchaseorderitem/read permissions on the Supplier

Supplier.purchaseOrderItems.after ● String scalar

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

Supplier.purchaseOrderItems.before ● String scalar

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

Supplier.purchaseOrderItems.first ● Int scalar

Returns the first n elements from the list.

Supplier.purchaseOrderItems.last ● Int scalar

Returns the last n elements from the list.

Supplier.purchaseOrderItems.purchaseOrderItemIds ● [ID!] list scalar

Filter by PurchaseOrderItem IDs

Supplier.purchaseOrderItems.status ● PurchaseOrderItemStatus enum

Filter by the status of the PurchaseOrderItem

Get a single SupplierQuickLink by its ids

Supplier.quickLink.appId ● ID! non-null scalar
Supplier.quickLink.quickLinkType ● SupplierQuickLinkType! non-null enum

Supplier.quickLinks ● SupplierQuickLinkConnection! non-null object

List multiple SupplierQuickLinks for a single SupplierQuickLinkType

Supplier.quickLinks.after ● String scalar

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

Supplier.quickLinks.before ● String scalar

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

Supplier.quickLinks.first ● Int scalar

Returns the first n elements from the list.

Supplier.quickLinks.last ● Int scalar

Returns the last n elements from the list.

Supplier.quickLinks.quickLinkType ● SupplierQuickLinkType! non-null enum

Supplier.shipFromAddress ● Address object

The address where this Supplier's goods ship from.

Supplier.status ● SupplierStatus! non-null enum

Supplier.supplierDemandHq ● SupplierDemandHq object

Get a SupplierDemandHq by its DemandHqId.

Requires the requesting identity to have the "supplierdemandhq/read" permission on the associated Supplier.

Supplier.supplierDemandHq.demandHqId ● ID! non-null scalar

Supplier.supplierDemandHqs ● SupplierDemandHqConnection! non-null object

Get a list of SupplierDemandHqs for the Supplier.

Requires the requesting identity to have the "supplierdemandhq/read" permission on the associated Supplier.

Supplier.supplierDemandHqs.after ● String scalar

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

Supplier.supplierDemandHqs.before ● String scalar

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

Supplier.supplierDemandHqs.first ● Int scalar

Returns the first n elements from the list.

Supplier.supplierDemandHqs.last ● Int scalar

Returns the last n elements from the list.

Supplier.supplierDemandHqs.status ● SupplierDemandHqStatus enum

Supplier.supplierId ● ID! non-null scalar

Supplier.supplierIdentities ● SupplierIdentityConnection! non-null object

Returns SupplierIdentities for the given Supplier

Requires supplieridentity/read permission on the requesting identity

Supplier.supplierIdentities.after ● String scalar

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

Supplier.supplierIdentities.before ● String scalar

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

Supplier.supplierIdentities.first ● Int scalar

Returns the first n elements from the list.

Supplier.supplierIdentities.identityParentEntityId ● ID scalar

Filter the results to a specific identityParentEntityId (optional)

Supplier.supplierIdentities.identityType ● SupplierIdentityType enum

Filter the results to a specific identity type (optional)

Supplier.supplierIdentities.last ● Int scalar

Returns the last n elements from the list.

Supplier.supplierIdentity ● SupplierIdentity object

Returns a SupplierIdentity for the given Supplier

Requires supplieridentity/read permission on the requesting identity, or you can request your own identity.

Supplier.supplierIdentity.identityId ● ID! non-null scalar

Supplier.supplierProduct ● SupplierProduct object

Get a single SupplierProduct by its ID.

Requires supplierproduct/read permission on the requesting identity

Supplier.supplierProduct.supplierProductId ● ID! non-null scalar

Supplier.supplierProducts ● SupplierProductConnectionWithSearch! non-null object

List SupplierProducts for a Supplier.

Requires supplierproduct/read permission on the requesting identity

Supplier.supplierProducts.after ● String scalar

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

Supplier.supplierProducts.before ● String scalar

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

Supplier.supplierProducts.cost ● [FloatRangeFilterInput] list input

Filter SupplierProducts using cost ranges.

Supplier.supplierProducts.externalProductIds ● [String!] list scalar

Filter SupplierProducts using externalProductIds.

Supplier.supplierProducts.first ● Int scalar

Returns the first n elements from the list.

Supplier.supplierProducts.inventoryPolicy ● [SupplierProductInventoryPolicyFilterInput] list input

Filter SupplierProducts using InventoryPolicy (Variant).

Supplier.supplierProducts.inventoryStatus ● VariantInventoryStatus enum
Supplier.supplierProducts.last ● Int scalar

Returns the last n elements from the list.

Supplier.supplierProducts.manufacturer ● [StringFilterInput] list input

Filter SupplierProducts using Manufacturer (VariantSupplement).

Supplier.supplierProducts.msrp ● [FloatRangeFilterInput] list input

Filter SupplierProducts using MSRP ranges.

Supplier.supplierProducts.numberOfTermAggregations ● SupplierProductNumberOfTermAggregationsInput input

The number of results to return for each term aggregation. Defaults to 0 for each.

Supplier.supplierProducts.query ● String scalar

Query supplierProducts for certain terms. Searches several fields, including supplierProduct.tags, supplierProduct.title, supplierProduct.vendor, supplierProductLocales.description, supplierProductLocales.featureBullets, supplierVariantSupplements.barcode, supplierVariantSupplement.mpn, supplierVariantSupplement.sku

Supplier.supplierProducts.recommendedPrice ● [FloatRangeFilterInput] list input

Filter SupplierProducts using recommendedPrice ranges.

Supplier.supplierProducts.sortOrder ● [SupplierProductSortInput] list input

Sort SupplierProducts by a series of fields and directions, defaults to CREATED_AT/ASC.

Supplier.supplierProducts.standardizedColor ● [SupplierProductStandardizedColorFilterInput] list input

Filter SupplierProducts using StandardizedColor (Variant).

Supplier.supplierProducts.status ● SupplyEntityStatusFilterInput input

Filter SupplierProducts using Status.

Supplier.supplierProducts.supplierProductIds ● [ID!] list scalar

Filter SupplierProducts using a list of SupplierProductIds.

Supplier.supplierProducts.tags ● [StringFilterInput] list input

Filter SupplierProducts using Tags.

Supplier.supplierProducts.vendor ● StringFilterInput input

Filter SupplierProducts using Vendors.

Supplier.topVendors ● [String!] list scalar

The top Brands or Vendors this Supplier carries, limit 5 and 256 characters each.

Supplier.updatedAt ● String! non-null scalar

Supplier.updatedBy ● ID! non-null scalar

Returned by

createSupplier mutation ● supplier query ● updateSupplier mutation

Member of

SupplierIdentity object