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This holds content specific to a pageType. This is generally used on a page that lists all pages for a pageType.

type PublicPageTypeContent {
contentAsHtml: String
contentAsString: String
demandHqId: ID!
description: String
numberOfCharacters: Int
): String
numberOfCharacters: Int
): String
pageType: String!
pageTypeContentId: ID!
secondaryContentAsHtml: String
secondaryContentAsString: String
seoDescription: String
seoTitle: String
storefrontId: ID!
subtitle: String
tags: PageTypeContentTags
title: String


PublicPageTypeContent.contentAsHtml ● String scalar

Get the markdown content of the pageTypeContent as parsed HTML. Do not use this field without purifying or sanitizing the HTML in your webapp.

PublicPageTypeContent.contentAsString ● String scalar

PublicPageTypeContent.demandHqId ● ID! non-null scalar

PublicPageTypeContent.description ● String scalar

A short description of the pageTypeContent, limit 1000 characters. This is typically used off of the pageTypeContent page itself.

PublicPageTypeContent.descriptionOrExcerpt ● String scalar

Get the description if it exists, or fallback to the excerpt of content for the CollectionTypeContent.

PublicPageTypeContent.descriptionOrExcerpt.numberOfCharacters ● Int scalar

The number of characters to return, defaults to 200.

PublicPageTypeContent.excerpt ● String scalar

Get an excerpt of the CollectionTypeContent.

PublicPageTypeContent.excerpt.numberOfCharacters ● Int scalar

The number of characters to return, defaults to 200.

PublicPageTypeContent.pageType ● String! non-null scalar

PublicPageTypeContent.pageTypeContentId ● ID! non-null scalar

PublicPageTypeContent.secondaryContentAsHtml ● String scalar

Get the secondary markdown content of the pageTypeContent as parsed HTML. Do not use this field without purifying or sanitizing the HTML in your webapp.

PublicPageTypeContent.secondaryContentAsString ● String scalar

PublicPageTypeContent.seoDescription ● String scalar

Description specific for SEO purposes, limit 170 characters.

PublicPageTypeContent.seoTitle ● String scalar

Title specific for SEO purposes, limit 256 characters.

PublicPageTypeContent.storefrontId ● ID! non-null scalar

PublicPageTypeContent.subtitle ● String scalar

The subtitle of the pageTypeContent, limit 256 characters.

PublicPageTypeContent.tags ● PageTypeContentTags object

These tags function in the opposite direction of other tags, allowing you to choose several to focus on while displaying the content. Commonly, these are used to filter or categorize content by providing options that match tags on the content itself.

PublicPageTypeContent.title ● String scalar

The title of the pageTypeContent, limit 256 characters.

Returned by

pageTypeContent query

Member of

PublicPageTypeContentConnection object ● PublicPageTypeContentEdge object