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An item in a PublicOrder.

type PublicOrderItem {
adjustedPrice: Float!
adjustedQuantity: Int!
adjustments: [OrderItemAdjustment]
assignedQuantity: Int!
barcode: String
currency: ResonanceCurrency!
customProperties: JSON
deliveryMethod: VariantDeliveryMethod!
demandHqId: ID!
discountTotal: Float!
discounts: [OrderItemDiscount]
fulfilledQuantity: Int!
grandTotal: Float!
note: String
orderId: ID!
orderItemId: ID!
productId: ID!
productTitle: String!
purchaseOrderItems: [OrderItemPurchaseOrderItem]
quantity: Int!
shippingCharges: [OrderShippingCharge]
shippingChargesTotal: Float!
shippingMethod: ShippingMethod
sku: String
status: OrderItemStatus!
taxTotal: Float!
taxes: [OrderItemTax]
unitPrice: Float!
variantId: ID!
variantTitle: String!
vendor: String!


PublicOrderItem.adjustedPrice ● Float! non-null scalar

The price of the OrderItem after adjustments.

PublicOrderItem.adjustedQuantity ● Int! non-null scalar

The quantity of the OrderItem after adjustments.

PublicOrderItem.adjustments ● [OrderItemAdjustment] list object

PublicOrderItem.assignedQuantity ● Int! non-null scalar

The quantity of the OrderItem that has been assigned to a PurchaseOrderItem.

PublicOrderItem.barcode ● String scalar

PublicOrderItem.currency ● ResonanceCurrency! non-null enum

PublicOrderItem.customProperties ● JSON scalar

PublicOrderItem.deliveryMethod ● VariantDeliveryMethod! non-null enum

PublicOrderItem.demandHqId ● ID! non-null scalar

PublicOrderItem.discountTotal ● Float! non-null scalar

The aggregate amount of all discounts applied to the OrderItem, can be subtracted from the subtotal directly.

PublicOrderItem.discounts ● [OrderItemDiscount] list object

PublicOrderItem.fulfilledQuantity ● Int! non-null scalar

The quantity of the OrderItem that has been fulfilled.

PublicOrderItem.grandTotal ● Float! non-null scalar

The aggregate amount the consumer must pay for the item including price, quantity, adjustments, discounts, shippingCharges, and taxes.

PublicOrderItem.note ● String scalar

PublicOrderItem.orderId ● ID! non-null scalar

PublicOrderItem.orderItemId ● ID! non-null scalar

PublicOrderItem.productId ● ID! non-null scalar

PublicOrderItem.productTitle ● String! non-null scalar

PublicOrderItem.purchaseOrderItems ● [OrderItemPurchaseOrderItem] list object

PublicOrderItem.quantity ● Int! non-null scalar

PublicOrderItem.shippingCharges ● [OrderShippingCharge] list object

PublicOrderItem.shippingChargesTotal ● Float! non-null scalar

The aggregate amount of all shipping charges applied to the OrderItem, can be added to the subtotal directly.

PublicOrderItem.shippingMethod ● ShippingMethod enum

PublicOrderItem.sku ● String scalar

PublicOrderItem.status ● OrderItemStatus! non-null enum

PublicOrderItem.taxTotal ● Float! non-null scalar

The aggregate amount of all taxes applied to the OrderItem, can be added to the subtotal directly.

PublicOrderItem.taxes ● [OrderItemTax] list object

PublicOrderItem.unitPrice ● Float! non-null scalar

Price per item, can be multiplied by quantity for total price

PublicOrderItem.variantId ● ID! non-null scalar

PublicOrderItem.variantTitle ● String! non-null scalar

PublicOrderItem.vendor ● String! non-null scalar

Member of

PublicOrderItemConnection object ● PublicOrderItemEdge object