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This is an orderItem in the checkout process, pending order creation. Nearly all fields are optional, but their existence is still required by the end of the checkout process if they are required for OrderItems.

type CheckoutOrderItem {
customProperties: JSON
discountTotal: Float!
discounts: [OrderItemDiscount]
grandTotal: Float!
note: String
quantity: Int
shippingCharges: [OrderShippingCharge]
shippingChargesTotal: Float!
shippingMethod: ShippingMethod
taxTotal: Float!
taxes: [OrderItemTax]
unitPrice: Float
variant: PublicVariant
variantId: ID!


CheckoutOrderItem.customProperties ● JSON scalar

CheckoutOrderItem.discountTotal ● Float! non-null scalar

The aggregate amount of all discounts applied to the OrderItem, can be subtracted from the subtotal directly.

CheckoutOrderItem.discounts ● [OrderItemDiscount] list object

CheckoutOrderItem.grandTotal ● Float! non-null scalar

The aggregate amount the consumer must pay for the item including price, quantity, adjustments, discounts, shippingCharges, and taxes.

CheckoutOrderItem.note ● String scalar

CheckoutOrderItem.quantity ● Int scalar

CheckoutOrderItem.shippingCharges ● [OrderShippingCharge] list object

CheckoutOrderItem.shippingChargesTotal ● Float! non-null scalar

The aggregate amount of all shipping charges applied to the OrderItem, can be added to the subtotal directly.

CheckoutOrderItem.shippingMethod ● ShippingMethod enum

CheckoutOrderItem.taxTotal ● Float! non-null scalar

The aggregate amount of all taxes applied to the OrderItem, can be added to the subtotal directly.

CheckoutOrderItem.taxes ● [OrderItemTax] list object

CheckoutOrderItem.unitPrice ● Float scalar

Price per item, can be multiplied by quantity for total price

CheckoutOrderItem.variant ● PublicVariant object

The variant that this checkout order item is associated with.

Requires publicvariant/read permission on the requesting identity.

CheckoutOrderItem.variantId ● ID! non-null scalar

Member of

Checkout object