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Paginate through PublicCollections

type PublicCollectionConnectionWithSearch {
edges: [PublicCollectionEdge]!
nodes: [PublicCollection]!
pageInfo: PageInfo!
querySuggestions: JSON
termAggregations: CollectionTermAggregations


PublicCollectionConnectionWithSearch.edges ● [PublicCollectionEdge]! non-null object

PublicCollectionConnectionWithSearch.nodes ● [PublicCollection]! non-null object

PublicCollectionConnectionWithSearch.pageInfo ● PageInfo! non-null object

PublicCollectionConnectionWithSearch.querySuggestions ● JSON scalar

This is an object with terms in the query as keys, and a suggestion for that term as the value. This is often referred to as 'Did you mean?'

PublicCollectionConnectionWithSearch.termAggregations ● CollectionTermAggregations object

Values and the number of times they occur for the results of the query. These will be the same for every page of a query, and should only be fetched on the first page.

Returned by

collections query