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Metrics for a variant, including inventory quantity, status, and supplierVariant counts

type VariantMetrics {
countOfInStockSupplierVariants: Int!
countOfSupplierVariants: Int!
demandHqId: ID!
inventoryQuantity: Int!
inventoryStatus: InventoryStatus!
productId: ID!
updatedAt: String!
variantId: ID!


VariantMetrics.countOfInStockSupplierVariants ● Int! non-null scalar

VariantMetrics.countOfSupplierVariants ● Int! non-null scalar

VariantMetrics.demandHqId ● ID! non-null scalar

VariantMetrics.inventoryQuantity ● Int! non-null scalar

This is mostly useful for determining whether a certain quantity can be added to the cart. For BOTTOMLESS InventoryPolicy, a value of 10,000,000 is added here.

VariantMetrics.inventoryStatus ● InventoryStatus! non-null enum

If any SupplierVariant is in stock, this is in stock.

VariantMetrics.productId ● ID! non-null scalar

Id of the Product parent of the associated Variant

VariantMetrics.updatedAt ● String! non-null scalar

VariantMetrics.variantId ● ID! non-null scalar

Id of the associated Variant

Returned by

variantMetrics query ● variantMetricses query

Member of

Variant object