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This is the main entity of the Supplier domain, and is used to represent a product, which is a group of SKUs. SKUs are represented by SupplierVariants, a child of this entity. This entity is less frequently updated, it is more likely that SupplyVariant will be updated frequently.

type PublicSupplierProduct {
externalProductId: String!
featuredImage: PublicSupplierProductContentItem
optionLabels: [String!]!
supplierId: ID!
supplierProductId: ID!
tags: PublicSupplierProductTags
title: String!
vendor: String!


PublicSupplierProduct.externalProductId ● String! non-null scalar

Passed along in PurchaseOrders so the Supplier can identify items in their warehouse.

PublicSupplierProduct.featuredImage ● PublicSupplierProductContentItem object

The first image content item, if it exists

PublicSupplierProduct.optionLabels ● [String!]! non-null scalar

The labels for the options of this product, i.e. ["Color", "Size"] These will match with the order of the optionValues on the SupplierVariants. Must have 1-3, and it should match the number of options in the variants, but there is no validation to do so. Set the first optionLabel to "No Option" if you don't want to use options for this product. See for more info.

PublicSupplierProduct.supplierId ● ID! non-null scalar

Reference to the Supplier that owns this product.

PublicSupplierProduct.supplierProductId ● ID! non-null scalar

PublicSupplierProduct.tags ● PublicSupplierProductTags object

PublicSupplierProduct.title ● String! non-null scalar

The title of the product.

PublicSupplierProduct.vendor ● String! non-null scalar

The brand or manufacturer of the product.

Member of

PublicSupplierProductConnectionWithSearch object ● PublicSupplierProductEdge object