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Represents a link to your app from inside the Resonance Demand Portal

type DemandHqQuickLink {
appId: ID!
createdAt: String!
demandHqId: ID!
dynamicUrl: String!
label: String!
quickLinkType: DemandHqQuickLinkType!
updatedAt: String!
updatedBy: String!


DemandHqQuickLink.appId ● ID! non-null scalar

The Id of the App this quicklink pertains to.

DemandHqQuickLink.createdAt ● String! non-null scalar

DemandHqQuickLink.demandHqId ● ID! non-null scalar

The Id of the DemandHq this quicklink pertains to (the one that has installed your app).

DemandHqQuickLink.dynamicUrl ● String! non-null scalar

This can have dynamic parts, using [demandHqId], [productId], and [variantId] format. It represents where the link goes.

DemandHqQuickLink.label ● String! non-null scalar

What the text for the link should be to the user.

DemandHqQuickLink.quickLinkType ● DemandHqQuickLinkType! non-null enum

Indicates which page the DemandHqQuickLink would live on

DemandHqQuickLink.updatedAt ● String! non-null scalar

DemandHqQuickLink.updatedBy ● String! non-null scalar

Returned by

createDemandHqQuickLink mutation ● updateDemandHqQuickLink mutation

Member of

DemandHq object ● DemandHqQuickLinkConnection object ● DemandHqQuickLinkEdge object