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These are the tags associated to the page

type PageTags {
demandHqId: ID!
pageId: ID!
category: String
key: String
): [ParsedTag]
raw: [String]
updatedAt: Date!
updatedBy: ID!


PageTags.demandHqId ● ID! non-null scalar

PageTags.pageId ● ID! non-null scalar

PageTags.parsed ● [ParsedTag] list object

Get parsed, and optionally filtered, tags for a Page.

PageTags.parsed.category ● String scalar

Optionally filter tags by category.

PageTags.parsed.key ● String scalar

Optionally filter tags by key. If category is not provided, but key is, category must be null to be returned.

PageTags.raw ● [String] list scalar

PageTags.updatedAt ● Date! non-null scalar

PageTags.updatedBy ● ID! non-null scalar

Member of

Page object