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Input for creating a Customer

input CustomerCreateInput {
defaultBillingAddressId: ID
defaultShippingAddressId: ID
emailAddress: String!
emailMarketingConsent: CustomerMarketingConsentInput
externalCustomerId: ID
firstName: String
lastName: String
phoneNumber: String
smsMarketingConsent: CustomerMarketingConsentInput


CustomerCreateInput.defaultBillingAddressId ● ID scalar

The CustomerAddressId for the default billing address for this Customer

CustomerCreateInput.defaultShippingAddressId ● ID scalar

The CustomerAddressId for the default shipping address for this Customer

CustomerCreateInput.emailAddress ● String! non-null scalar

The email address associated with the Customer, must be unique to the storefront, limit 256 characters

CustomerCreateInput.emailMarketingConsent ● CustomerMarketingConsentInput input

CustomerCreateInput.externalCustomerId ● ID scalar

Reference to the storefront's customer authentication system. Limit 256 characters. This field is required if this customer is going to access any authenticated data (like their orders).

CustomerCreateInput.firstName ● String scalar

The first name of the Customer, limit 256 characters

CustomerCreateInput.lastName ● String scalar

The last name of the Customer, limit 256 characters

CustomerCreateInput.phoneNumber ● String scalar

Must be unique to the Storefront. Limit 64 characters. Format +11231231234

CustomerCreateInput.smsMarketingConsent ● CustomerMarketingConsentInput input

Member of

createCustomer mutation