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Input for creating a CustomerAddress

input CustomerAddressCreateInput {
city: String!
company: String
country: String!
customerId: ID!
demandHqId: ID!
name: String!
phoneNumber: String
postalCode: String!
state: String!
storefrontId: ID!
streetAddress1: String!
streetAddress2: String

Fields ● String! non-null scalar

The city of the address ● String scalar

The company associated with the address ● String! non-null scalar

The country of the address

CustomerAddressCreateInput.customerId ● ID! non-null scalar

CustomerAddressCreateInput.demandHqId ● ID! non-null scalar ● String! non-null scalar

The name associated with the address, i.e. the Person in the household

CustomerAddressCreateInput.phoneNumber ● String scalar

The phone number of the address. Format +11231231234

CustomerAddressCreateInput.postalCode ● String! non-null scalar

The zip or postal code of the address

CustomerAddressCreateInput.state ● String! non-null scalar

The state of the address

CustomerAddressCreateInput.storefrontId ● ID! non-null scalar

CustomerAddressCreateInput.streetAddress1 ● String! non-null scalar

The first line of the street address

CustomerAddressCreateInput.streetAddress2 ● String scalar

The second line of the street address

Member of

createCustomerAddress mutation