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Create or Update a CheckoutOrder

input CheckoutOrderInput {
billingAddress: AddressInput
customerNote: String
emailAddress: String
paymentId: ID
phoneNumber: String
shippingAddress: AddressInput
shippingCharges: [OrderShippingChargeInput]
tags: [String]


CheckoutOrderInput.billingAddress ● AddressInput input

CheckoutOrderInput.customerNote ● String scalar

A note provided by the customer at time of order

CheckoutOrderInput.emailAddress ● String scalar

CheckoutOrderInput.paymentId ● ID scalar

A reference to an outside payment gateway, used for tracking transactions. May be an orderID, or a paymentID.

CheckoutOrderInput.phoneNumber ● String scalar

CheckoutOrderInput.shippingAddress ● AddressInput input

CheckoutOrderInput.shippingCharges ● [OrderShippingChargeInput] list input

CheckoutOrderInput.tags ● [String] list scalar

Member of

createCustomerCheckout mutation ● updateCustomerCheckoutOrder mutation