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This is the main child entity to a SupplierProduct, and is a variation, such as a color, size, etc. Some products only have a single variant as well, but every product is required to have at least one variant to be sellable, as the variant is what sells.

This matches to a Variant entity in the Demand domain. When an Order is placed for a Variant, it is matched with a SupplierVariant using a PurchaseOrderItem, and the Supplier fulfills the SupplierVariant to complete that piece of the Order. This is a SupplierVariant's primary purpose, to be sold and provide the cost in revenue to the Supplier.


This entity holds a 1:1 relationship with SupplierVariant and holds data that doesn't fit anywhere else.


This is a child entity of SupplierVariant. It holds no special significance other than the fields contained on it are less frequently updated than SupplierVariant.