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This is the main entity of the Supplier domain, and is used to represent a product, which is a group of SKUs. SKUs are represented by SupplierVariants, a child of this entity. These generally represent some Size/Color combination or similar of the product. For instance, a Sweater is a product, and the Gray / Medium version is a variant.

This entity is less frequently updated, it is more likely that SupplierVariant will be updated frequently.

SupplierProducts have many related entities, including SupplierProductLocales, SupplierProductContentItems, SupplierVariants, and SupplierVariantSupplements.

This entity matches with Product in the Demand domain, and the properties between the two are very similar.


This entity is a 1:1 relationship with SupplierProduct and holds data that doesn't fit anywhere else.


This entity holds a relationship between a SupplierProduct and an image, video, or file and is a child entity of SupplierProduct.


This entity is a child entity of SupplierProduct, and contains the description and feature bullets in various languages.