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Taxonomy is a hierarchical categorization of Products. It is used to group Products into departments, categories, and subcategories. Taxonomy is used to organize Products in the catalog and to facilitate navigation and collection / search filtering.

Taxonomy Tree must be a slug-friendly value. i.e. my-taxonomy-tree.

In order to determine which storefronts the taxonomy tree is published to, set these values on the root taxonomy branch for the tree.

Product Tag

The product tag is an indicator of which tag the associated taxonomy branch will be looking for on products. The associated created collection will be populated using a rule based on this tag. This value can also be used as a filter/facet in various places on a storefront.

Collection Id

This is the associated collection with the taxonomy branch. This collection will be populated using a rule based on the product tag. This value can be changed, but it would be exceedingly rare to do so.