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Query the Supply GraphQL API using your DemandHqSupplier permissions. Please reference the Supply GraphQL API documentation for available queries.

Only queries (not mutations) are allowed, and only certain fields are allowed to be queried. Root fields allowed: supplier, supplierProduct, supplierVariant. If you select supplier, the following subfields are allowed: category, description, inStockProducts, name, shipFromAddress, status, supplierId, topVendors, supplierProducts, supplierProductTermAggregations. Fields that are not allowed to be selected anywhere: createdAt, updatedAt, updatedBy.}

demandHqId: ID!
query: String!
supplierId: ID!
variables: JSON


supplyQuery.demandHqId ● ID! non-null scalar

supplyQuery.query ● String! non-null scalar

supplyQuery.supplierId ● ID! non-null scalar

supplyQuery.variables ● JSON scalar


JSON scalar

The JSON scalar type represents JSON values as specified by ECMA-404.