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Input for DemandHqNotification creation.

input DemandHqNotificationCreateInput {
action: DemandActionCreateInput
actionLabel: String
category: DemandHqNotificationCategory!
content: String!
demandHqId: ID!
senderReferenceKey: String
sentiment: NotificationSentiment
subject: String!


DemandHqNotificationCreateInput.action ● DemandActionCreateInput input

Notifications can have suggested actions that can be taken by the User.

DemandHqNotificationCreateInput.actionLabel ● String scalar

A verb to describe what the action will accomplish.

DemandHqNotificationCreateInput.category ● DemandHqNotificationCategory! non-null enum

The category of the notification.

DemandHqNotificationCreateInput.content ● String! non-null scalar

The actual message.

DemandHqNotificationCreateInput.demandHqId ● ID! non-null scalar

DemandHqNotificationCreateInput.senderReferenceKey ● String scalar

The sender of the notification can use this to reference it later, this can be, but does not need to be, unique. (You can list several notifications under the same reference key, for instance, if you want to show a list of notifications for a single entity)

DemandHqNotificationCreateInput.sentiment ● NotificationSentiment enum

The sentiment of the notification.

DemandHqNotificationCreateInput.subject ● String! non-null scalar

The subject or title of the notification.

Member of

createDemandHqNotification mutation